Area President Don Clarke and wife Mary Anne and their daughters family visited for Christmas Eve devotional. Little Ellie handed out Snickers bars to each missionary. Isn't she cute!

6:10 a.m. Christmas morning we received carolers at our apartment door. All eager to begin our service project.

We had to walk on the narrow streets to this school yard in the community of Fraijanes, 20 min bus ride from CCM. Elder Curtiss, our Area Humanitarian missionary helped find the project and had a member of his ward help us do it right. We divided the missionaries by districts with assigned areas. It took us 6 hrs, but looked so much better when we were finished. See the before and after pictures below.

Classrooms...see Elder Curtiss in the center. This elder is rather tall for a latino...Elder Medina from Panama.

I worked the hardest...holding the rope for the paint line...why do you suppose the line was crooked and had to be re-done??? I kept garbage picked up and for some reason I was exhausted 2 hours before we were done.

The mayor of Fraijanes, his son, and city manager viewing the finished product and thanking the missionaries. Below the 74 missionary servants. Dad & I on the far left.

For a few hours after the service project, we enjoyed Christmas dinner and a wonderful visit at the Mask's. We so enjoy them.

Several missionary couples came to sing carols and had the missionaries sing by groups by their countries of origin. All seemed happy to be able to participate. These are the Tilley's, our Area Security missionaries.

Each of the missionaries got to have pictures with Santa. The couples brought oodles of cookies and goodies for all to enjoy. It was quite festive!